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Internationale Theaterarbeit im Kontext Rwanda / Burundi / Bosnien-Herzegowina

Ein Schwerpunkt meiner künstlerischen Arbeit liegt in der Kollaboration mit Künstler*innen aus Bosnien-Herzegowina, Rwanda und Burundi. Die folgenden Projekte habe ich entweder mit initiiert, die Musik dazu (mit-)komponiert und/oder dabei auf der Bühne musikalisch performt:

Angefangen hat alles mit dem Projekt UNCONSCIOUS COLLECTIONS . What about Bosnia?, das die aktuelle Situation innerhalb Bosnien-Herzegowinas in einer DokumentarKonzertPerformance reflektiert. Aufführungen fanden u.a. statt bei PODIUM Esslingen, Festival MESS Sarajevo und Srebrenica Wave.

Die Zusammenarbeit mit den Künstler*innen aus Bosnien-Herzegowina brachte die Idee hervor, mit einem weiteren Team aus Rwanda zusammenzuarbeiten und Erinnerungen an Krieg, Genozid und Trauma gemeinsam über die Kontinente hinweg künstlerisch zu reflektieren und zu bewältigen. Aus dieser Zusammenarbeit entstand zunächst während des Lockdowns das Videoprojekt SHARED STORIES und im Anschluss die Theater-Performance UN:IMAGINABLE - our histories in conversation.

Rwanda und Burundi sind kulturell tiefgreifend miteinander verbunden, auch wenn die politischen Umstände in den vergangenen Jahren auf das Gegenteil vermuten lassen. Im Projekt HERITAGE BOND gingen wir der tiefen Verbundenheit nach und suchten nach Auswegen aus den aktuellen Situationen - und nach Auswegen aus den andauernden Fesseln des Kolonialismus.

Im Projekt THE INGABO - A Night To Fall zeigen Künstler*innen aus Burundi und Deutschland die Verheerungen der Kolonisierung aus burundischer Perspektive in Form eines Re-Enactments des Abadasigana-Aufstands und untersuchen gleichzeitig die Sichtweisen der Deutschen Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts. Sie suchen Parallelen zu einer deutschen Geschichte des Widerstands – dem Aufstand der schlesischen Weber, welchem der Autor Gerhart Hauptmann 1892 in seinem berühmten Stück „Die Weber“ ein Denkmal gesetzt hat.

Nächste Termine

THE INGABO - A Night To Fall

Aufführungen in Deutschland

1. & 2.7.2023 - Klosterhof Zittau

5. & 6.7.2023 - Linden-Museum Stuttgart

8.7.2023 - ViaThea Görlitz

9.7.2023 - Deutsch-Sorbisches Volkstheater Bautzen

Mehr Infos:

Shared Stories: Aftermath

Shared Stories: Aftermath

Shared Stories: Aftermath Mysterious and hard to make sense of, yet these echoing whispers haunt me. How is it to live with the burden of being actively involved in genocide? "Aftermath" deals with an idea of comparison the question of reconciliation and forgiveness in Rwanda and Bosnia and Herzegovina through two confessions: one of a perpetrator, the other of a son of a convicted war criminal. Stories become mirrors. Rwanda, the place of reconciliation and Bosnia, the place where war criminals are still being celebrated? I was never a child, only a man. Shared Stories deals with experiences on the topics of war, genocide, diaspora and home in relation to the conflicts in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Rwanda in the 1990s. In the very first exchange between Bosnian, Rwandan and German artists, personal experiences, thoughts and visions in different settings were exchanged online and artistically processed. With the kind support of the German Embassy of Sarajevo and the Ministarstvo kulture i sport Kantona Sarajevo artists from the three participation countries developed artistic material in remote online exchange and created two videos. Both videos show artistic and documentary contributions from all three participating countries. A total of 15 dancers, authors, musicians and filmmakers were involved. a project of The Grey Stories (Germany) Mashirika Performing Arts and Media Company (Rwanda) SARTR / Sarajevo War Theatre (Bosnia-Herzegovina) Composition: Basheskia & Edward EQ (Nedim Zlatar, Leonardo Šarić) Konstantin Dupelius Asmir Šabić Authors: Hope Azeda Nedim Zlatar Acting and voices: Benjamin Bajramović Kennedy Mazimpaka Camera & editing: Lamia Šabić Cyamwa Manasseh
Shared Stories: Clouding Memories of Home

Shared Stories: Clouding Memories of Home

Shared Stories: Clouding Memories of Home You had a life, somebody took a scissor and made a stop. What is home for someone, who lost it? Out of interviews with the Bosnian diaspora, living in Munich, we asked ourselfs, what is home for us? Based on our exchange, poetry, dance and music was created for the video "Clouding Memories of Home". Home is, where your heart still is. Shared Stories deals with experiences on the topics of war, genocide, diaspora and home in relation to the conflicts in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Rwanda in the 1990s. In the very first exchange between Bosnian, Rwandan and German artists, personal experiences, thoughts and visions in different settings were exchanged online and artistically processed. With the kind support of the German Embassy of Sarajevo and the Ministarstvo kulture i sport Kantona Sarajevo artists from the three participation countries developed artistic material in remote online exchange and created two videos. Both videos show artistic and documentary contributions from all three participating countries. A total of 15 dancers, authors, musicians and filmmakers were involved. a project of The Grey Stories (Germany) Mashirika Performing Arts and Media Company (Rwanda) SARTR / Sarajevo War Theatre (Bosnia-Herzegovina) Text authors: Hope Azeda Donia Sbika Composition: Konstantin Dupelius Peace Jolis Moise Mutanga Donia Sbika Voices: Hope Azeda Asmir Šabić Dance: Donia Sbika Jihad Niyonkuru Camera & Editing: Vanessa B. Alcaide Eric Thierry
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